The Wise Little Girl Story in English


Hello. Today  I will  tell you a beautiful story. 

once upon a time in a place where horses

were considered a mark of prosperity two

brothers lived each in their own homes

with their own wealth Demeter the rich

brother and Jericho the poor ones

come on Jericho

we'll never get there before sundown the

two brothers were writing to a big trade

fair that was happening in the city just

as they were about to leave Jericho's

daughter got there please father let me

come with you it is a long way my dear

you will get tired I have always wanted

to see the city please father for God's

sake let the child come and let's get on

with it I will be good father I promise

well all right papa they rode all day

and by nightfall they were quite close  to the city

let's find a place to rest for the night

and in the morning we shall ride into

the city there seems to be a hut over

there really let's go

this is not a hut but a stable a good

place to rest for the night look there

is plenty of water and food for the

horses too what an exciting place to  spend the night

yeah all right now let's have our dinner  go to sleep

so the three of them may disable their

home for the night

the next morning they awoke early and

got ready to resume their journey come

on Nora we have to leave father what was

that look did our mayor give birth to a

foal last night had your mayor given

birth to it a fool would have stood next

to her but it has come to my attention

but uncle how can a stallion give birth

hey it's true brother and it even looks

like our man that's right give us some

food and water and then hand over my

phone to me but brother horses don't

come in a hundred colors Jericho

maybe this fall was just lost in the

forest and has come here to my stallion

whatever it is had your mayor Bennett's

mother you would have gone straight to

her since it has come to my stallion it  belongs to me

see brother sleep so the two brothers

quarreled long as to who should keep the

phone finally Laura had an idea father

uncle why don't we go to the city

doesn't the wise king stay there let us

go to him and ask him to decide she is

right brother

yes your daughter is smarter than you

our let's go they reached the gates of

the city while the brothers were talking

to the guards nor a red a black with a

picture of a thief put up on a nearby

tree the plaque red thief whoever tells

the King about his whereabouts will get

a reward of a hundred ducats the

brothers told the King everything well

what do you think this is really

difficult your hand is had the mayor

being the mother of the foe before would

have drank her milk but the foul does

not really belong to the rich brother

either he is only quarreling for greed

else he has enough horses of his own and

he can easily let his poor brother have

the phone well let us see whether the

brothers are rich or poor because of

luck or because of their own

intelligence or lack of it what do you

intend to do your Anna's

when reason fails wisdom comes to our

aid let us see which of these brothers

is wise well since the foe really

belongs to none of you I will ask you a

question whoever comes up with an answer

that pleases me I have to fall so the

King asked the brothers a question what

is the fastest thing in the world

what is the softest thing in the world

and what is the most precious thing in

the world everyone was shocked at the

King strange question

they all eagerly waited for the answers

the brothers would give Demeter thought

that if he praised the king in his

answer the king would favor him so he

replied well that is easier anis what

can be faster in your horse sire

welcomed me softer than your bed my lord

and indeed what can be more precious

than your prince what is your answer

Jericho Jericho was the simple honest

men he did not know how to please people

with high and mighty talk so he didn't

know what to say

dear highness the other brother does not

even have an answer whatever no answer

is better than having an insincere

dishonest one waits wait a minute

Nora was thinking hard she wanted to

give an honest answer and then suddenly

it occurred to her excuse me your

highness can I reply in place of my

father sure why not

I must be honest sire that I don't

really know the correct answers but

judging by what I have seen in the world

the fastest thing in the world

is the wind it is so fast that it can

create a storm and destroy everything in

its way in the softest thing in the

world has to be a child's kiss just as

this foal is licking me and the most

precious thing in the world has to be

honesty else you would not have

announced the reward of a hundred ducats

for information about a thief

bravo Bravo Jericho your daughter is

indeed wise honest and sincere I am

pleased with her reply I give you not

only this foal but a hundred horses and

ten thousand ducats is reward and as for

you to meet her you could have been

generous but you chose to be mean - can

only take you that far or last earn

rewards come with sincerity let this be

a lesson to you I understand your

highness thank you my lord

you are really kind and so it is you can

play mean tricks on others but they

don't take us far people will see

through them but if we really want to

lead a happy fulfilled life we must be

honest sincere and wise

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