Vitamin D


 Do you always feel tired 

and have a strange feeling of muscle aches? Have you ever thought about this? How dangerous can vitamin D deficiency be? Vitamin D is not just a vitamin, but a hormone for the body that is absorbed by the body's cells. When a little sunlight hits your body, the cholesterol in your body is converted to vitamin D. This vitamin is also found in fish. High-fat dairy products Experts say you should consume 400 to 800 daily Vitamin D deficiency is very common Many people have a lot of pain, but I do not know the reason for the lack of vitamin D. Join us to introduce substances that contain vitamin D. We are talking about ways that we can use this vitamin to solve all kinds of pain and problems in your body.

What to do What bad things have we done to prevent vitamin D from reaching the body? 

Tanning the skin? Weight gain. Overweight

 and obesity. We do not eat too much fish. Exfoliate and also go out less when you are indoors. People who live near the equator are less likely to be deficient in vitamin D. Most of us, when we are deficient in vitamin D, do not notice the hidden and subtle symptoms at all. But the scourge that we lack is very great. So 8 of the most obvious signs of lack of vitamins Know that if you have it. Think about taking vitamin D a little more.

The first sign is that you are always sick. 

One of the most important effects of vitamin D is to maintain your immune system so that you can fight germs. It is directly responsible for fighting your infections. You may be one of those people who catch a lot of colds. One of the causes of vitamin D deficiency is taking vitamin supplements. Di also reduces the risk of respiratory infections on a daily basis with the right dose Fatigue and The second sign Indifference, you are not always bored at all and we are always tired. I think if we had this condition, you would never have thought about vitamin D .

Studies have shown that a deficiency of this vitamin in the blood surface can cause fatigue and other severe negative effects.

 You may complain of severe headaches daily. If the vitamin D level in your blood increases to 39 ng / mL, the symptoms of headache will disappear. Di also takes your energy and brings you constant fatig   . Third Vitamin D deficiency is a sign of back pain, bone and spine pain. Vitamin D helps the health of your bones in many ways because it does not contain vitamin D and your body does not absorb calcium at all, which is an important factor for bones.

It does not absorb bone pain and severe back pain at all without any signs of D-deficiency. People who are low in vitamins do not only get back pain, but all kinds of joint pain, toothache and, in short, all over their body will not be comfortable. Number four mood swings are one of the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. There is a direct link between vitamin D and depression, especially in older people.

the fifth Wound healing after surgery In some bodies, wounds heal slowly and this is a sign of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency is common in women. Inflammation of the body in general is suppressed with this vitamin. Your body heals quickly So is the sixth danger. Vitamin D Deficiency Bone loss means that your bone density levels are low because vitamin D plays an important role in calcium absorption and bone metabolism. When it comes to osteoporosis, old beliefs focus on eating calcium. Now, if the body is deficient in vitamin D, calcium will not be absorbed at all, even if consumed.

Especially in older people, especially women, there is a risk of fractures, and to avoid these problems, always check the level of D in the blood. The seventh effect of vitamin D deficiency is hair loss hair loss It is often associated with stress and is a sign of a nutrient deficiency. Hair loss, especially in women, is associated with a lack of di Has the eighth case Muscle pain. The cause is usually difficult to find in the muscles. There is evidence that vitamin D deficiency is a major cause of muscle pain in children and adults. Studies for 71% of people with chronic pain have shown that they are deficient in vitamin D and there are receptors in the body that feel the pain. Absorbs vitamin D Reduces an acceptable daily dose by 57%.

In a blood test, the level of vitamin D in Your body is diagnosed and the way to diagnose vitamin D deficiency in the body is easy. You can supply the body with vitamin D in three ways, just remember that the daily dose should be between 400 and 800. There are three ways you can protect your body Remember that the daily dose should be between 400 and 800 The first way is to be in the sun. This does not mean that The sun is very nasty. Be in the sun. The risk of skin cancers is high this way. In general, do not hide too much from the sun so that you are not at home most of the day and away from the lights.

The second way Use vitamin D supplement pills that are sold in pharmacies. Use foods rich in natural vitamin D, which are some of the following. 


Herring .Fish liver oil .Oysters .Shrimp .Egg yolks.Mushrooms.Cow milk.

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