Samsung S23 Ultra vs iPhone 14 Pro Max Camera Battle!


when I tested the iPhone 14 pro Max
against Samsung's last s22 Ultra it was
a clear winner

 The iPhone took better

video it took better night shots it was

a way more stable camera but this new

s23 Ultra is a direct response to Apple

Samsung's dialed up the resolution to an

astronomical 200 megapixels and focused yy y uy

on taking True 8K video bright tonight

shots and completely overhauling the

stabilization system so we've got 12

camera categories and through them we're

going to see if Samsung's actually done

enough to completely turn the ship

around and take that Crown so starting

off with the selfie camera because

Samsung's fitted the s23 with a new one

the video quality definitely looks like

a step in the right direction you can

see my face texture you can see my beard

detail really clearly I'm impressed I

was even slightly taken aback by how

decent the video looks in low light it's

still not quite got the smoothening

anti-grain power of the iPhone though

which is enough for me to say that

Samsung is still behind at this just not

nearly as much as they used to be and

then you flick over to selfie photos it

is a different story entirely it's a bit

of a weird one in that the s23 ultra

actually has a lower resolution front

camera than the s22 ultra that came

before it but there's something quite

Magnificent about how it always seems to

land I've taken over 300 selfies on both

of these phones and thanks to the new

dual pixel autofocus on Samsung not a

single one of my s23 ones are out of

focus I mean the iPhone is already

pretty good at this but every now and

again when even that struggles Samsung's

got it plus it gets skin tone spot on

brightening and smoothing your face a

little to make you the center of

attention it sharpens up face details

like eyelashes and beards but it does so

while nailing that balance between

wanting a crispy detailed realistic

photo and then going for so much realism

that you're sat there evaluating your

entire skincare regimen Samsung can now

also instantly cut you out of your

photos by just holding down on the

screen but the iPhone's end result is in

a different legal together like

literally good enough to instantly use

that cutout in a YouTube thumbnail for

example so that's one Point each which

means something's already doing a lot

better than it was last year and it gets

better because then I decided I need to

see this new stabilization system

because the S3 Ultra has both an

improved software-based stabilization

combined with the lens itself having two

times the physical Optical image

stabilization it's got to do something

and let's put it this way I could not

believe the difference from last year

I'm so used to testing brand new

revolutionary video cameras only to put

them next to the iPhone and go oh right

never mind then this is different the

minute you open this phone's camera it

becomes very clear that stability is now

a priority and it actually does

free from all the micro stuttering that

comes with not being able to hold the

camera still or having a bit too brisk

of a walk it's like having a car with a

really powerful suspension it just

Glides and nowhere is that more apparent

than when you're moving around at night

where the electronic image stabilization

tends to fail this has in a single

generation gone from one of Samsung's

kiwi uses to one of their key strengths

even a full-on Sprint isn't too much for

it this is the kind of jump that you

don't expect to see within a one year

time frame but where the company really

far behind in last year's tests where

when you're using the phone's dedicated

super steady modes where it wasn't

really that Samsung's was bad it's more

that Apple's action mode software is

just really shockingly good but yeah

Samsung's new stabilization system has

entirely bridged that Gap enough to turn

a previous loss in the stabilization

category last year into a full-on

victory hey do you want to guess which

phone wins the zoom category it might be

the iPhone I don't know it could be the


it's not the iPhone I mean while apple

has a single three-time zoom camera

Samsung has both a three times and a 10

times camera and you can actually see

the phone's improved AI layering in

extra detail even after the shot has

been captured now I will say this while

the s23 ultra Zoom is in some cases

better than the s22 ultra Zoom this is

far from what I would call a next-gen

experience like the stabilization was or

like some of the stuff you're about to

see it which is to say the phones are

about equal at early magnifications

Samsung then falls behind between 3x and

10x because while both phones have three

times optical zoom cameras apples can

see further and then as soon as you pass

10x and Samsung's second zoom camera

kicks in it's a whitewash it is a bit of

a shame though that you know this is the

fourth generation of phone for which

Samsung's been quoting their 100 times

Zoom abilities and yet we're still not

really close to 100 time shots being

usable but make no mistake the s23 ultra

is the better camera for all of those

big zoomy folk out there like just for

fun I've tried zooming all the way into

the moon and the difference is not small

so at this point Samsung is absolutely

dominating but if you had to put down

money on one category being the end of

that streak it would be the quality of

the video itself the fact that Apple

designs the chips for their phones and

then has almost an entire year where

they know everything about these chips

to then build their software around them

compounded by the fact that they make

such a small number of phones per year

means that they just have more time than

any other company to make sure that

their video processing pipeline is

really optimized and that the video is

reliable in every possible condition and

because video is one of the most complex

things to master more so than photos I

think this is where you most feel the

fact that Samsung and most other Android

companies have had to rush now all I

said it takes a total of five seconds

using the Samsung Galaxy s23 Ultra to

see that this is the smoothest least

green filled video a Samsung phone has

ever recorded and one of the first

things that I was really surprised to

see is the real-time High dynamic range

in Samsung's video so have a little look

at the sign in this shot because it's

noticeably brighter than everything

around it it's Overexposed on the iPhone

but Samsung has recognized the

brightness of that sign and specifically

dialed it down so that it Still Remains

readable so yeah

that's pretty huge it's not enough for

me to say that it's ahead of the iPhone

because like if you go to a more extreme

lighting environment you can see the

simple fact that Apple has spent more

time tuning start to kick in in those

Fringe cases the way that Samsung goes

about achieving its noise reduction in

low lights is by capturing multiple

frames and then layering those frames on

top of each other it's usually strong

but if you then start to move your phone

erratically it doesn't get time to

perform this properly and breaks down

revealing all the green plus Apple Still

Remains slightly more detailed in almost

all cases it's getting close closer than

I ever expected it to be to the point

where Apple should be worried but they

do just Edge it out for now but then

Samsung does have a bit of a secret

weapon this time something that the

iPhone just straight up can't do

8K let me be very clear 8K is not a

little bit more than 4K 8K is four times

the number of pixels of 4K and while

this isn't the first phone that can

shoot AK on everything I've tested it on

over the last few years it has been a

clearly tacked on janky experience

Samsung is saying it will be different

this time and they're kind of right if

you are shooting under really bright

conditions like broad daylight or under

a really powerful lamp then I can

confirm that 8K is now a legitimate

option that does add detail to already

detailed 4K video but then in anything

less than optimal lighting you just end

up with a technically higher resolution

clip but one that's actually grainier

because the phone just has more pixels

to lighter up without enough light to

know what to do with them the way that

Samsung talked about the AK I felt like

this phone might be the turning point

where the masses start using it but

having properly tested it I think we'll

be waiting at least another year to see

the benefits however as any movie

director will tell you when it comes to

video audio is 50 of the package so

which one sounds better well it's

actually pretty cool that Samsung is

also silently upgraded the microphones

on this phone not a huge update but what

you'll actually notice more is that

because the speakers of the phone are

now upgraded when you're listening back

to the videos taken on the phone on the

phone they now easily keep up with the

iPhone this is pretty exciting stuff but

then I remembered wait this phone has a

brand new 200 megapixel camera it's

optimized to shoot quicker more detailed

shots than ever before surely the

biggest Improvement is going to be in

just photos well okay let's start with

detail both phones have a normal auto

mode and then they own separate super

resolution modes Samsung's 200 megapixel

Apple's is 48. and Apple's is more often

than not slightly more detailed Samsung

does have a lot of different high-res

options you've got 200 megapixel mode 50

megapixel mode you've got an entirely

separate app called expert raw where you

can take high res Raw photos but the

funny part of it is that it didn't seem

to matter which one of these I used the

iPhone is ever so slightly ahead when it

comes to those super zoomed in

nitty-gritty finer details it feels like

a similar problem to the 8K video you

can actually tell Samsung has more

pixels to work with but you can also

tell that in most lighting conditions it

doesn't quite know what to do with them

okay fine well what about just auto mode

what you're going to be using for 98 of

photos on these phones well I have taken

226 side by sides and let me just say

for starters you can take amazing

beautiful cinematic photos on both of

these guys they've both got pretty large

pretty equivalently sized camera sensors

so both of them get that lovely

foreground background Separation by

default but

attempt to prefer Samsung it's the

personality the rich colors the warmer

skin tones it's a weird way to describe

it but Samsung's photos are almost

friendlier and I think for the vast

majority of people who aren't going to

be doing as much photo editing after

capture you'll be more impressed by the

almost pre-edited photos that this phone

turns out by default let's not forget

that Samsung is also far more aggressive

with dynamic range in photos this phone

pretty much never misses in terms of

keeping those bright Skies well

controlled and it's quite the contrast

to Apple who's been really slow to

integrate aggressive processing like

this I mean I can see why it feels like

too much tampering of the raw image but

I do also just think it looks better I

think it's pretty clear what Samsung's

trying to do here the core messaging of

their marketing with the s23s is can you

send me that Samsung wants these phones

to be the ones that all your friends are

jealous of the ones that are so

obviously better than the competitors

that you by default become the photo

capturer of the group and well I think

that this whole extra crispy highly

colorful photo processing is the way to

get the masses to agree with that

sentiment both phones also have 12

megapixel ultrawide cameras which

honestly I have been starting to use a

lot of anytime I'm with friends or at a

party being able to just go wider is so

much easier than having to get up take

five steps back and then tell everyone

to now turn to face the camera both

ultrawides are just as wide as each

other but you can feel just how much

Samsung's image processing has improved

when you inspect it closely the category

photos is such a tight battle though

because then I was like Samsung's

shutter lag it's better than it was

before but it's still no match for the

iPhone you can and you do still miss

things every now and again just because

it takes that extra Split Second to

capture so overall in photos I'm gonna

give these two Titans a draw oh yeah and

we can't forget the only thing that

Samsung was talking about before these

phones launched Night Moves I mean their

entire strapline was made for moonlight

so to get one thing out of the way up

until this point the iPhone 14 pro had

the most technically impressive

nighttime performance I've ever seen on

a smartphone to the point where I've

actually with my own eyes seen this

phone outperform even six thousand

dollar professional cameras all thanks

to the intelligence of the image

processing well there's two things you

need to know about this s23 Ultra one

it's really good at controlling the

bright spots better than the iPhone we

tried to find the most challenging

scenarios you could possibly get and yet

there basically isn't a single

Overexposed pixel which is super cool

and the second thing is that on average

it is getting a slight amount more

information in those shots and pixel

peeping I'm only noticing these things

because I'm pulling up both images on a

30 inch screen and zooming into them but

the point is they're there if you look

for them and this also applies to

portrait mode shots taken in super low

lights plus I am so glad that Samsung's

shaken that bad habit of almost trying

to show off how much the phone can

brighten your night shots my photos

should look like photos taken at night

and I can safely say they do that here

the only thing that I would say apple

does better is a feature they introduced

last year called adaptive flash that can

adjust itself based on how close or far

you are from the person you're shooting

and it's such a perfect quick smart

simple fix that instantly solves the

issue of your flash photos looking like

this so Apple still retains that lead

this time but in night mode photos

there's an overall category

I think it's time to hand over that

crown for the first time in years and

you know what else Samsung just does


the fun this is an important category

for me because ultimately I take photos

for the fun of taking photos trying new

modes experimenting with filters that's

the soul of smartphone cameras in my

opinion and I think in the process of

trying to streamline everything for the

Casual user the iPhone does also lose

some of that its cinematic mode is a

little better still but honestly the Gap

is closing with the improved

intelligence of Samsung's new chip and

when you're using the Samsung camera

just generally and things like

director's View and AI based photo

editing and the fact that when you see

something in the distance you can just

zoom into it you definitely feel like

you're more in control if that's

important to you and so fun is also

going to Sami okay there was a time when

iPhone portrait mode shots were in A

League of Their Own where I would

enviously peer over at my iPhone friends

putting no thought at all into their

shots and them still turning out amazing

compared to my Samsung ones but that day

my friends is long gone Samsung's really

improved both the realism successfully

simulating all the subtle signs that

you're actually using a big old DSLR

camera and also Edge detection at this

point the phone is distinguishing each

individual hair on my arm it's almost

too good and when you pair that with the

fact that Samsung makes faces just

generally look better this is definitely

the portrait mode that I would want to

use I've tried it on animals too and

while the edge detection doesn't work

quite as well since these portrait mode

algorithms are mostly trained on

people's faces the s23 genuinely still

makes them look

this is gonna sound weird handsomer you

see what I mean though right and a sub

to the channel would be mentus

that's my worst one ever both iPhone and

Samsung have some of the best close-up

macro modes from any phone camera but

then you might remember with the iPhone

14s Apple added a feature called

photonic engine which means any photo

you take the phone will go back scrub

through and enhance the textures that

really helps Apple out in this case

leading to on average the iPhone's

close-ups being both a little closer and

a little sharper there's not too much to

say about slow motion apart from Samsung

seems to have nicely caught up with the

iPhone slow-mo quality if you're in

ideal lighting conditions I still think

it's such a shame though these current

phones are like five times more powerful

than the phone's slow-mo was launched

with their storage is 10 times faster

the camera is up to 16 times the

resolution if slo-mo was actually given

some care and attention you could make

it so much slower without having to use

artificial effects like Samsung does so

this s23 Ultra is well the least

impressive looking phone upgrade I've

ever seen but it looks like what they've

done is redirected the effort that would

have gone into making the phone look

different into actually addressing some

of the key fundamental problems with

Samsung's past cameras which has led the

overall score to 7.5 for Samsung 4.5 for

the iPhone meaning that while the iPhone

is still a more reliable camera for

video there's all of a sudden not a lot

else that Samsung doesn't do better oh

and also if you want a case for either

everything from blackpink to Pokemon to

Harry Potter and even the anime prints

they've got this super cool utility

strap feature which basically means you

just don't drop your phone in the first

place oh yeah and you can also customize

your case to make it your you could add

in your face yes but also just your name

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