Make money online


you can basically just type in one word

in this box click

save click make and you'll be paid 25 to

30 dollars

you can do it again and again and make

money every single day

from anywhere around the world but you

must set this up properly

i will explain to you exactly how to do

it in this article 

signing up to this website is absolutely

free you don't need to invest any money

and you don't need

any writing skills you can even just

copy and paste that one word if you

don't want to type it

yourself but before we start welcome to

finance girl where we teach you how to

make money online the simplest way

make sure to subscribe to the channel

and don't forget to click the

notification bell so that whenever we

upload a new video on how to make money


you will be updated and you can start to

make things happen

this is the

main platform which we will be using

this is the first website where you will

go and create the simple videos with one

single word

so you can type in one single word and

this website will create

professional high quality videos for you

and i'm going to show you how you can

actually get paid

25 to 30 dollars per video that you


it says here the easiest way to make

awesome videos

don't worry you don't need to be a

professional editor to do this

you do not need any editing skills for

this you do not need a camera

you won't have to film anything and you

won't have to show your face

you just need to type in one single word

and you can repeat it

again and again and i will tell  you

exactly how it works and how to get paid

choose your favorite video template

fully customize it online and watch them

generate your video instantly

so you don't have to wait around which

means you can start making money

today it can't get any easier than this

it's just one single word and you can

repeat it all over again

now this is at follow each

and every step

of this    artical  and by the end you will

know exactly what to do

and exactly how to make money so first

of all on the home page i want you to

click on the get started button right

here so you can sign up

you can do so by either connecting your

facebook or your google account which is

a lot easier and faster

because it requires just one click of a

button but if you don't want to do so

you can just sign up with your email

address and manually enter your details

i also recommend you untick this box if

you don't want to subscribe to their

email list which can sometimes be

really boring so i oftentimes don't

really like to subscribe to those


you can easily sign up in less than 60


once you sign on to motion then it's

going to allow you to browse all of

these different video templates

which you can use to create professional

looking videos in just less than 60


and just by typing one single word so

here on the left hand side you can see

that you can generate all these types of

videos in all the different categories

you can create ads animated videos you

can create videos for businesses

ecommerce videos facebook videos food

and restaurant

videos gaming infographics videos for


youtube intros outros and so on and so


and you have all these different

templates which you can browse and they

are highly professional

they are 3d high quality templates which

you can easily use and i will explain

exactly how to do this now there is one

specific service which we will be

focusing on

that is going to allow you to make 25 to

30 dollars for a single word that you


so what i want you to do is i want you

to focus on either intros or outros

forget about all these different

categories for now you want to focus

only on intros and outros because that's

the easiest one and

that is the one that will allow you to

make thirty dollars or more for a single


so let's select intro templates and it's

going to give you some of them

which you can use let's browse and find

something that's really interesting

i will for example use this template

just to show you how this actually works

so i will click on it and to customize

it i just need to click on

edit this video once you come over to

this page all i have to do is click on

this box and i can type in that one word

in this box and i will show you what's

going to happen

once i type that one word let's say the

word in this case is finance

click save click make video and that's


now it will instantly generate that

video for me and i'm going to show you

how you can sell

those type of videos for 25 to 30

dollars again

and again and i'm also going to show you

proof that it actually works because

people are already making money every

single day

with this exact same strategy so if you

continue to the dashboard you will be

able to see that the video is now


i just need to wait for a couple of

seconds and they will have it created

for me

as you saw that took only one single

word to type in the box

and now i have a ready fully created

high quality intro

from which i can make money from so

let's repeat that

same process again and let's choose a

different template you can go over to


you go either to intros or outros let's

go to intros first

you find a template which you really

like like this one right here

you just have to open it click edit this

video and that takes you to the editing


you can even add a logo if you want to

if not just go

straight to the text page click on the

text box

type in a word click save click make

video and that's basically

it that's all you have to do and now you

can make money from an additional

platform which i'm about to share with


so first of all you can start using

quicken gigs this is a similar platform


this website is a freelancing website

where millions of

everyday people come to sell their

services every single day

you have everyday people like me and you

providing different services for other

entrepreneurs and business owners

you can see that they've partnered up

with some massive companies like paypal

microsoft google discord facebook

and unity and this is only one of the

many different freelancing websites

which you can use

but the reason i'm sharing quicken

drinks rather than fiverr

is because this is not as competitive as


fiverr has hundreds and thousands of

people doing the same

services but here there are not many

people providing those services

and the demand is pretty high there are

a lot of buyers here but there are less

sellers which means it's perfect for

complete beginners

you can instantly join this website and

potentially get

loads of sales without being an

established seller

if you search for intros and outros on

this website you will be able to see

that people

are providing these type of services

there are not a lot of people providing

this service but the ones that are

providing the service

intros and outros are already making


as you can see here someone who does

cool 3d youtube intros

for thirty dollars got over five sales

he has five feedbacks and not every

person will leave a feedback

so he probably has more than five sales

at a price of thirty dollars

and for you that's going to take you

just a single word to type in with

motion den and sell it on quicken gigs


this is a single platform where you can

provide this service and sell

intros and outros you can also use

websites like people per hour

in here if you type intro you will be

able to see

more people providing this service

that's a total of 207 results

and they're all making sales they're all

making hundreds

if not thousands of sales for example

this person got over a thousand

feedbacks which means

they've got over 1 000 sales for this


service you can even use fiverr if you

want to maximize your results

it will cost you nothing to publish that

gig and if you get some sales

then great if not that's okay you can

still use other freelancing websites so

fiverr does have a massive potential you

can see that people are selling those

type of services

for more money like 35 and 45 dollars

so they have even higher packages and

they're getting hundreds

and in some cases thousands of sales

so it does have massive potential but

the competition is really high on fiverr

so i definitely recommend you try all

the different freelancing websites don't

just focus on one

once you get a sale you ask what word

they want to have an intro with

type it in this box click save click

make video

and you click continue to dashboard you

wait until it generates the video and

you will be able to download it

into your computer now to download it

without this watermark

you would need to pay nine dollars per


but if you sell it for 35 and 40 dollars

then you will still get high profits and

you don't have to invest

any money up front you can wait until

you get a sale on those freelancing


and then use that money to pay nine

dollars to motion den

so for nine dollars you get a video done

in less than 60 seconds to make over

30 dollars and you can do it again and


and once you start making more and more

sales and you see that you're already

making some decent amount of monthly


you can just invest like 39 a month for

this unlimited plan

which will allow you to sell unlimited

amount of videos

so you can maybe sell 100 videos a month

and you only pay

39 on motion den to do all of the hard

work for you

so you can definitely leverage motion

den and its templates to make

professional videos

just by typing one word in the box and

then provide that service in other

freelancing websites like freelancer

true lancer fiverr guru people per

hour quicken gigs and so on and so forth

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