The fairy ointment


the fairy ointment

margot goody was a nurse that looked

after sick people and minded babies

one night she woke up at midnight and

when she went downstairs

she saw a strange fellow who asked her

to come to his house as his wife was too

ill to mind their baby

please my wife is very sick and i cannot

put the baby to sleep margot goody at

once popped on her things and went down

to him they rode and they rode

till at last they stopped before a  cottage door

marco followed the man who entered a

beautiful bedroom where a woman lay on a

bed with an adorable little baby boy

beside her hello dear

thank you for visiting

it's the arms you see i can't move my

arms they hurt a lot

oh i am so sorry

don't worry i'll be fine

if you could please put my boy to sleep

that would be sure marvo took the baby

and cradled its head in her arms at once

the boy went to sleep ah he slept

already oh don't be fooled honey for my

boy is a naughty one and will soon open

his eyes oh but he at that moment the

baby opened his eyes again and began to

cry what did i tell you

now when you put him to sleep again take

that ointment and rub it on his forehead

he will sleep for the night

and that's what she did

when margot was finally able to put the

baby to sleep again she took the

ointment and gently applied it on the

baby's forehead something is strange i

have never seen such a thing in my

nursing career margot was a curious

person and when she saw that the man and

the woman were talking amongst

themselves she applied a little bit of

the ointment on her forehead

no sooner than she had done so

everything seemed changed about the  place

the cottage became elegantly furnished

the mother in the bed was a beautiful

fairy dressed up in white silk

the little baby's clothes were made of

sort of a silvery gauze

and the man was the fairy king

margot goody realized that she had got

into the house of fairies

but she said nothing

and as soon as the lady was well enough

to mine the baby she asked the fairy

king to take her back home

and so the fairy king dropped margot

home without knowing that she could see

who he really was   thank you dear

here a dozen of gold coins for your

service goodbye

and saying that the fairy king went away

and marco could see that the horse was

flying away through the air wow

that was unreal now margot lived all by 


she had lost her parents when she was

little and was brought up by her aunt

who was a nurse herself

margot loved her aunt more than anything

but unfortunately ill health took her

away the previous year

and now margot was left all alone no friends

no family   except for her dog viscus

good night viscous when the next         

morning came

margot was awakened by a strange voice

one that she had never heard before

margo   wake up  take me for a walk


as margot opened her eyes she was

astonished to see viscus talking viscous

are you talking

you can speak or is this a dream   wait

you can hear me    yes   oh

thank god i've been talking to you   forever

now i really want to go out for a walk

and then maybe you could buy me a

delicious bone from the dog store

wow     this is unreal

it is the fairy ointment isn't it

the what oh never mind    let's go

a happy margot bought a bone for viscous

and the two happily walked about the

park when she heard a butterfly talk to

a sunflower beautiful day ain't it don't

talk to me please

she could also see little pixies paint

flowers and help ants move in a straight

line yes keep moving keep moving

and she could hear the birds sing

delightful songs

margot saw it all and realized how

magical nature really was

as they walked a little ahead she saw an

old lady sitting under a tree moaning in


margot at once rushed to her oh are you

alright grandma

i was just taking a walk when these old

legs began to hurt

i thought i'd sit down for a while but

now i can't get up and the pain is

excruciating    let me see

i'm a nurse

margot bent down and touched the old

woman's feet to examine when glitters

from her hands flowed through the old

woman oh the pain is   wait  the pain   huh

the pain is gone

and at once the old woman jumped up on

her feet and hugged margot

oh you fine lass thank you thank you

thank you i feel fine

what did you do      i um

margot was confused

she looked at viscous what are you i

i don't know

did you see that spark i didn't see any

spark but i saw that a mere touch from

your hand cured that woman

and you can talk to me

what is going on

magic my good boy viscous

magic is what's going on

come on let's go to the market we have

plenty of things to buy

and so off the two went to the market

and on their way

margot fed a beggar helped an old man

cross the road

and helped an injured bird heal with

just a mere touch

margot was delighted at her newfound

abilities but it was all going to end

for when she reached the market she saw

the fairy king who went about from stall

to stall taking up things from each

here's some fruit and there's some eggs

and so on

and no one seemed to take any notice

margo at once walked up to him good day


i hope your good lady and the little one

are as well as but she couldn't finish

what she was saying for the fairy king

stared back in surprise   what

do you see me today

see you why of course i do as plain as

the sun in the sky the fairy king's face

turned pale and at once he disappeared

into the air oh was he rude or something


on their way back from the market

margo saw a man crying by the brook what

is it     why do you cry   oh   i

a nasty witch has taken my eyes shine

away because i refused to help her with


and now i cannot see

my wife it's her birthday today and

probably the last one for she is very   ill

she waits for me at home

what am i to do now   oh   no  oh no

is there any way i can help

oh will you be so kind as to lend me

your eyes for a day um   well

please just for one day i will give them

back to you tomorrow but how do i give

you my eyes    just say

i lend you that that helps me see

take it today and bring it back tomorrow

to me

that's what the witch told me she said

if only a kind-hearted person will give

me their eyes then i will be able to see

again  no   don't

this is some sort of trick

do not trust him i don't know viscous if

i should trust him but i know i must

help him regardless and with that

margot stepped forward and said the

words i lend you that that helps me see

take it today and bring it back tomorrow

to me and as soon as she had said that a

bright light filled the air and the old

man turned into the fairy king and

beside him appeared the fairy queen they

smiled   you

it was luck that gave you fairy vision

and powers but it is your heart that

truly makes you a fairy

margo goody we hereby officially turn

you into a fairy

that is if you would like to continue

helping people

margot chuckled for there was nothing

more she would want to be

she agreed and the fairy queen moved her

wand and at once a pair of wings emerged

on her back you have a pure heart   go on

make us all proud

and viscous he will always accompany you

oh thank you thank you thank you does

that make me a fairy dog

so that was the story of margot who is

now a fairy and travels around the world

with viscous together they help people

and come to think of it it all happened

because of the fairy ointment

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