Lucky princess



is the story of a powerful mighty king   and his defeated arrogance

emperor fritz gerald ruled the kingdom

of phanantra a daughter was born to him

such was the fortune of the child that   the day she was born

a drought of three years ended with

torrents of rain

the best crop ever in the kingdom stood   in the fields

miners discovered a mine of unlimited  gold

and good news came to all in the kingdom  from their friends

and family abroad the child was special

and her good tidings were noticed not   just by the king

and his people but also with the fairies

who came to the palace

to bless the newborn

hail the grand fairy of goodness

you my child will be of a heart that

loves all beings and throbs with


and kindness here comes the fairy of

inspiration to bless our princess oh

good princess the purist will inspire


you will write poetry as you look at the

sun and stars and

music in rhythm of flowing streams and

singing birds please welcome with honor

the fairy godmother of good sense

you shall be wise you will choose


over revenge learning over success

and happiness over ego and

finally hail the exalted fairy

of rare treasures every drop of tear you   shed

shall turn to pearl

the king sneered at the ferry of rare

treasures words

what kind of a blessing is that it is a

blessing mighty king

accept it with grace my daughter has

brought happiness to all of my kingdom

why will she ever need to cry and if she   does

she has gold and precious gems of plenty

she does not need pearls oh

king a king who is arrogant brings only

ruin to his people and his kingdom

pride is the enemy of goodness and


you are insulting a gift given in pure


but shouldn't the gift itself be worthy

of respect

you want proof that this gift is


very well then when your daughter is 16

she shall get lost in the forest and

then only the tears from her eyes

that fall as pearls will lead you to her

the fairies disappeared from the court

and left behind them

a deathly silence but the arrogant king

was still unmoved

with an army as mighty as mine no child  of the kingdom

much less the princess herself can ever

get lost in our forests

there is no need for anyone to panic

let the celebrations begin

the princess grew up and true to the

blessings of the

fairies she was noble compassionate

she loved nature wrote poems inspired by   the sun

and stars created music inspired by

gurgling rivers and singing birds she   was an

ace horse rider and loved to trek in the   mountains

and forests a happy good-natured

lively child she was the delight of her  kingdom

and before anyone realized she had grown   up to be 16.

on her 16th birthday oh my dear

what would you like from me on your   birthday father

just one thing let me go to the forest  today please

i told you no it is my birthday mother

i want to spend time with my friends the

trees the bees the rivers and the

streams there

i promise to be back by lunch i shall


permit it ah let her go

i shall send my best soldiers with her   in fact

today i shall go with her there's

nothing to worry have you forgotten

today is her 16th birthday

and have you forgotten that our

army is the best army in the world come

my darling

today i shall go with you too

we leave the king and princess to their

fate in the forest

and travel further in time one day

a young count happened to pass by a   forest

he was lost for a long time but he

worried not

for the birds and streams kept him


presently he saw an old old woman

carrying a pannier on her back he

ventured to help

but was stopped by a peasant walking by  don't go near her

why not she is so old don't you think we   must help her

she is strange would a woman her

age be loitering in the woods like that  she is no

ordinary woman she must be a witch

so you don't know for sure whether she

is a witch or not

regardless i must go and help her

granny let me help you with the paneer

mine jewel it is heavy

well for you maybe but not for me

don't be too sure young man and mind you

that once you take it from me

you shall not be able to put it down

till we reach

my cottage on the other side of the hill

oh sure if you can climb over that hill

on your old legs granny then certainly   can i

give your burden to me i will not put it  down

i promise remember

good men do not break their promises

so think again i have thought and


hand over your weight to me

the granny took the pannier off her

shoulders quite easily

and put it on the counts but it was so

heavy that the count almost fell with

its weight   it is so heavy

how were you carrying it oh the

arrogance of youth have you realized you   are not

strong enough of course i am strong  enough

very well done walk in any case you


to carry it the count could not


how the basket which the old woman could   pick so

easily was so heavy for him

but he carried it on the way up the hill

he felt he could carry it no further

let me put it down for just a few


i won't be able to take another step

till i rest oh no

you promised so you cannot put it down

but when we reach my cottage i

shall have a reward for you so

the poor count carried the basket with  great difficulty

and determination finally they reached

the old woman's cottage

as soon as they entered the gate of her  cottage

a whole gaggle of geese came out to

greet the woman

like children coming to meet their


my children put the basket down under

that tree i shall send you a refreshing

drink the count was only too happy to do

as he was told

he collapsed and lay comfortably in the

cool shade of the tree

a goose waddled up to him holding   

pitcher and a glass

the goose poured some sherbet into the

glass and gave it to the count

the sherbet was so cool and refreshing

that at once he felt energetic again

the old woman got there this

count has been most kind to me he


me to help me carry my pannier and in

spite of its heaviness he kept his word

and carried it all the way over the hill

young man you now deserve your

reward granny

i was arrogant and proud of my strength

you have taught me a valuable lesson in


that is enough reward for me

well i promised you something and like  you i too

must keep my word take this

this will bring you luck

the count took the emerald book thanked

the old woman

and left the cottage after days of being

lost in the forest

he finally came to a city he sought

audience with the king

in the hope of getting some work with

the royal palace

your highness i am a learned man

and i could be of service to you if you

would please agree to test my skills

as a humble gift i offer you this

my most prized possession

father this is my favorite spot

see you can see almost the entire forest

from here  ah it is beautiful

suddenly out of nowhere the forest was

covered with a fog

so thick that the king could not even

see his own hands

when the fog cleared after a few minutes

the princess had disappeared

my daughter my princess where are you

where are you this is the fairy's


the pearl that my daughter's tears would   change into

where did you find it who gave you this  book

tell me have you seen her where is she

i have been looking for my daughter for

three years

not a clue have i found of her

your highness i do not know where the

princess is

but i can take you to the old woman who

gave me this book

if you do not mind your majesty let me

ride there first

and ascertain the right road to take to

reach the cottage over the hill

while you make arrangements to come take

my best horse

and leave right away we shall not be far  behind

so the count rode on ahead it was dark

by the time he reached the forest

back in the old woman's cottage my child

the moon is out go to the river

one   oh

you're back so soon i know what happened

at the river

don't worry dear go inside and shed your

wings  it is time

go on you have done so well my child

as the princess turned goose went inside

the cottage

the count reached there and so did 

the  king

and the queen

i saw the princess come here

she she had turned into a goose

but now she is back

here she is your highness

what led you here to your daughter

heard tears that turned to pearls just

as you had said

i am so sorry for being so

arrogant your daughter has inherited

none of your arrogance

i have truly tested her

no kind ma'am you looked after me

and cared for me as your own daughter i

understand what you said

that a king who was arrogant brings only

ruin to his people and his kingdom

pride is the enemy of goodness and


this lesson was necessary for all of us

you are truly a beautiful soul princess

i am sorry o king that you had to learn

such a bitter lesson

but an arrogant king can bring only ruin

to his people

pride is the enemy of goodness and


i understand now your rare treasure

was not the pearls of tears but the


and the lesson you brought to us thank


i must leave i bless you that you will

never find reasons to cry

no matter what happens in life your

heart will find reasons

to be happy so the king and queen

returned at last

with the noble princess the count was

appointed as courtier in the royal court

and he and the princess became wonderful


spending hours together doing good for

the people of the kingdom

much to the delight of the proud king

and queen

the kingdom became a place of peace


and joy but the king never allowed


to become proud again

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