2sisters story


i'm so proud of you martha

every time dad said those words i

cringed have you ever felt like all you

needed was approval from this one

important person in your life and for

some freaking reason they just

never gave it to you yeah well same hi

my name is elsa

martha is my twin and all my life i've

been competing with her for dad's


and failing miserably the first time i

remember hearing these awful words was

when i was three years old we were

sitting at the dining table and when mom

put our food in front of us

i grabbed a knife and fork and started

cutting up my vegetables

i had to admit i was a pro at it oh wow

where'd you learn to eat

like that look at her but dad was too

busy admiring martha who had her face in

her bowl like a dumb little puppy with

gravy dribbling down her face

that's my big girl eating all by herself

i'm so proud of you martha

wait what you called that eating i

picked up my love of books from dad and

by the time i was four

i could read fluently after finishing

everything at home i begged mom to take

me to the public library one day and i

was like a kid in a candy store

one night when dad came to our room to

read to us i whipped out the seventh

harry potter book from under the bed

daddy let's read this i can't wait to

see how it ends

you've read all the harry potter books

yes and they're

so amazing i love just then martha took

out a book from under her pillow and

nearly hit me in the face with it daddy

please read this to me

i couldn't read all the words and her

book sounds stupid

it's not stupid goldilocks and the three

bears is stupid

what are you two years old no i'm like

four you idiot then why do you want to

read books for

babies because we are babies

i'm not but you're a big crybaby

that's enough elsa martha honey tell me

where you got stuck

i'll read it to you and i'm still very

proud of you

it was always the same we'd learn

everything together and she got all the

praise even if i was five steps ahead of


i didn't mind it too much at first i'd

read in a book that parents can be like

that sometimes

showering the dumb kid with extra praise

to encourage them

but then something happened that really

made me lose my temper for the first


since my vocabulary was really good for

a kid my age mom entered me in the local

spelling bee for gifted youngsters when

i was seven

i was the youngest participant and i won

first prize

i couldn't wait to go home and tell dad

look at my trophy dad i won

just then i saw martha's pouty face with

fat tears rolling down her cheeks

i want one too dad immediately snatched

it from me and pushed some chocolate

bars in my hand instead

there you go martha daddy is very proud

of his little girl

um hello what for and what about me i

just stared at him for a minute then i

rushed off to my room

slammed at the door as hard as i could

and threw the bars in the trash

ten minutes later i took them out and

ate them while sulking on my bed i just

didn't get it why was it so hard for him

to say that he was proud of me too

later that night i snuck into the

kitchen and sprinkled salt on his


and i felt so happy the next morning

when he took a big spoonful and spat it

all out

dad would sometimes take me and martha

to his office because he said we'd be

running the company one day

once when we were heading out martha

said she wasn't feeling well and she

stayed back

i felt really happy secretly i'd get to

have dad

all to myself dad had a board meeting

and told me to sit quietly in a corner

his boss did not look happy with


guys our data is indicating that sales

have gone down this past

quarter we need to come up with

something new something exciting

as everyone looked at each other blankly

i had a great idea

so i raised my hand what is it kid i

i read in the new york times that smart

watches for teenagers are going to be

the next big tech gadget

everybody looked at me in surprise but

then a big smile spread on his boss's


that's brilliant we don't have anything

for teenagers

who's this genius kid instead of looking

proud dad just looked embarrassed

i'm so sorry i'll make sure to leave her

home next time i didn't understand why

he was looking like he was mad at me

when everyone else seemed to think i was

a delight

are you insane she's amazing i would be

so proud of her if she was mine dad

just nodded and glared at me the second

we got home he rushed straight to

martha's room with the gifts he had for


i missed you so much today it really

wasn't fun without you

i felt shattered at hearing those words

just then

she got out of bed and showed dad the

painting she'd been working on

martha that's so beautiful it was a

painting of spongebob and his starfish


i thought it was really ugly actually

i'm so proud of you martha i'm really

glad you're better

watching him hold her tight for so long

made me want to cry

mom and dad thought i had tears of joy

because my sister was feeling better

but they were just tears of anger i

wanted to rip her dumb painting into two

as i grew older i couldn't help thinking

maybe dad loved martha more

because she was the prettier twin

everyone thought she looked like an

angel with her blonde hair and blue eyes

all the boys in school would be asking

me to introduce them to her

geez the girl could have her own tv show

everybody loves martha

it wasn't until the 8th grade that

someone finally noticed me

it was our science teacher mr martin he

saw that i was always done with my work

early and he started giving me more

advanced physics books to read

one day when he asked me about what new

thing i'd learned i told him i just

loved quantum physics

mr martin took his glasses off as he

looked at me in surprise

are you saying you actually understand

those concepts also

yeah i think so next thing i knew mr

martin had taken me to the principal and

asked if i could be allowed to take

advanced level maths and physics tests

and it turned out i did really well in

all of them the next day my parents were

called in and the principal beamed at


you must be so proud of your daughter

yes we are very proud of martha

no i'm here to talk to you about elsa

she's quite the little genius

we want to bump her up a few grades dad

looked confused

but what about martha will she be bumped

up too

sir martha is an average student at best

she's fine where she is

well then elsa can't move up either

imagine how that will make martha feel

she's a very sensitive child thank you

for the offer but elsa will stay in

eighth grade i couldn't believe my ears

was he for real later that night at the

dinner table i ate my food in silent


as usual dad was busy asking martha how

her day had been

it was great thanks to your help i gotta

be in my history assignment oh and i'm

starting cheerleading practice tomorrow

that's wonderful darling i'm so proud of

you if i heard those words

one more time i was going to explode i

banged my glass down on the table

and what about me dad are you proud that

i'll be finishing high school earlier

than most of the other kids

dad what is she talking about dad

clenched his jaw

we've had this discussion elsa you're

not moving up a few grades

no actually i never got the chance to

speak how could you do this to me dad

this is for your own good you should

thank me instead of being a total brat

who do you think you are how would you

feel if your boss stopped you from being

more successful

i would actually be so grateful to him

because he knows what he's talking about

just like me right now

you can't hold me back because of martha

it's not my fault

she's dumb i don't know why you think

you're smart

trust me you're just dumb you only have

confidence not smartness

no i'm smart martha is a dumb one do you

hear me

i regretted the words as soon as they

were out of my mouth martha looked hurt

for a second

then her face turned vicious it would be

much better for my popularity if my

nerdy twin sister wasn't in the same


no one even likes you why do you think

they don't like me because you're a


not true it's because you kept telling

them nasty things about me

you think i don't know do you care about

how that makes me feel

what about you dad are you happy about

this martha is just joking around you

don't have to make a big deal out of it

you're a monster and so is martha

like daddy like daughter mom pushed back

her chair and stood up

enough all of you i think it would be

better for you two to be apart

so elsa will be changing her grade and

no one is dumb

or a weirdo and then she turned to dad

angrily i can't believe you you're so


selfish why because i want the best for

your kids for my kids

or just for martha you think i don't see

you stopped seeing a long time ago

but i can see your pity from a mile away

and with that

she left i looked at dad but he just

flung his napkin down on the table and

walked away

i didn't care anymore i wasn't going to

wait around for him to say those words

to me

i was bumped up to ninth grade and

finished high school 2 years before

martha we never had much in common but

in the past couple of years

we'd really grown apart she wasn't doing

well at school and was always more

interested in going to parties

and hanging out with boys but dad was as

blind to her fault as ever

look what's arrived in the mail mom i

just received my college acceptance

letter to mit on full scholarship

as mom squealed in delight and hugged me

suddenly dad walked in and snatched the

letter out of my hands

you never told me you're applying to mit

what will you study there

quantum physics that's what i've always

loved but you never asked he crumpled up

the letter into a ball

i own a tech company how will you manage

if you're too busy studying stupid

theories in a research lab

i'm not interested in taking over your

company dad you should train the

daughter you are really proud of to take


and we both know that's not me well then


this i'm not going to be paying a penny

for your college

and with that he stormed out of the room

that fall i moved away to boston and got

a job at a coffee

shop to pay for my expenses i stopped

talking to dad and martha all together

mom kept in touch with me and sometimes

sent me money in my last year at

university i was clearing the tables at

the coffee shop one day when a regular


leonard walked up to me he'd been coming

every day for six months and

i had the biggest crush on him hey elsa

i've probably spent hundreds of dollars

on coffee just to see you every day so

how about i cut to the chase

i think you're beautiful and smart and

i'd like to ask you out wait he thought

i was beautiful

growing up under martha's shadow i'd

never really seen myself that way

we dated for two years and then we got

married only mom attended the wedding

from my side

i found out from her that martha had

dropped out of college and run away with

some loser boyfriend who had promised to

make her a big model one day

your dad's really heartbroken and has

just thrown himself into his work even


a year later i gave birth to a beautiful

baby girl anna

leonard was so supportive of my career

and always told me how proud he was of

my achievements

and it was the happiest i'd ever been

until the day i got a phone call from


honey you have to come home your dad's

had a stroke i flew back home

immediately seeing dad looking so weak

and sick made my heart hurt

i sat by his side and took his hand i'm

here now and

everything's going to be okay dad was no

longer fit enough to work

and i knew what i had to do i left my

dream job and moved back home with my

family and leonard and i took over the

company's operations

one day i was looking all over for anna

when i found her on dad's bed

reading out loud to him i saw that he

had tears in his eyes

she's just a little genius like you do

you remember how smart you were

do you remember that dad he took my hand

and drew me close

i'm sorry that i wasn't a good dad to

you i just always felt martha needed my

love and attention more

i shouldn't have treated you the way i

did i thought i didn't care by now but

my heart soared with joyous he said the

words i'd been longing to hear my whole


i'm so proud of you elsa

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