
The gardener five miles from the

hustle-bustle of the City of London

there was a small town quiet lush and

beautiful where great nobleman and

ministers held their summer mansions

this is the story of the most celebrated

Manor of them all one which was

beautiful beyond imaginations

their gardener Larsson manicured the

longs to precision his relentless

passion for gardening made sure that

rare flowers lined the stoned paths and

covered the crisp stone walls delicious

fruit hung in great clusters on strong

stoic trees and the best vegetables grew

in the elaborate kitchen garden with the

rarest of plants adorning the expansive

green house this mansion was a statement

of natural beauty and the owners were

proud of it they would be certain to

visit the estate every summer what a

beautiful estate we have oh the effort

we need to put in to maintain it but is

it worth the hard work after all

the estate bears the name of our family

on it whatever we do is little as

compared to the order our estate brings  us

your lordship sir welcome hello Larsen

what have you got for us this year sir I

have been tending Indian mangoes for

over five years now root requires a

particular kind of soil and special

methods of watering I spent months

studying how to grow it but that is

enough Lawson do we have a crop oh yes

here it is

I picked the best ones for you I picked

them myself

perfect shape and perfect size I wish

you'd wash up awesome oh sorry I have

just been digging up for these new

radishes from France cook these up and

let's go see if Lawson's Indian mangoes

are any good you should have had them

cut up already Lawson I am sorry ma'am

I'll just wash up are they good sir

ma'am they're quite sir all right sir

his lordship Lord Cornwall is here to

see you Oh sanjivini I am already in my

friend hello so good to see you all

those Indian mangoes well

hmm these are delicious the best I have

ever had when did you go to India these

are not from India lost and managed to

grow them right here on our estate

Larsen you are a miracle worker Lawson

didn't you have work in the garden oh  yes ma'am

my radishes I tell you you may proceed

to the garden Lawson I tell you it is so

exhausting to have the estate maintained

so oh I get so tired well I am here to

invite you to a get-together tomorrow

night I hope you can make it convenient

it will be a pleasure lord Cornwall we

shall be there and may I take some of

the mangoes Lawson is a true master here

it is not Lawson but rather the

blessings of our ancestors on this land

do take as many mangoes as you like I

shall have them packed right away

the next night the Lord and the mistress

went to Lourdes Cornwall's hung there

with the sumptuous food the guests were

served apples and pears truly the most

delicious any guests had ever had truly

the apples and pears are most delicious

are these from your estate who is your

gardener lord Cornwall oh I do not have

a gardener I am looking for one these

are from the fruit who called John at

the local marketplace he said he got the

fruit especially for tonight

where'd the fruit rose his fruit will

help salutely exotic we would have

expected such fruit from your garden

Lord Maxwell Lord Maxwell went home and

insulted man asked Lawson to see me  immediately yes sir

Lawson truly must do a better job of the

gardener you asked for me your lordship

well we just had the most beautiful

delicious apples and pears at Lord

Cornwallis you must go to the fruit er

some John from the local market and ask

him where he got the fruit from and then

learn from whoever the farmer is as to

how he got them to be so delicious John

from the local market well I just sold

him a batch this morning he said he

wanted apples and pears for a very

special get-together tonight I had no

idea it was the same get-together that

you went for so those apples and pears

were from our garden can you prove it oh

yes here is the bee loves the sails sir

I had tried a special combination of

soil and manure to get the fruit to be

larger and juicier and Lawson you might

have had us taste them first but I did

serve them to you last time you were

here and you said they were quite all  right

enough now get us some more the fruit

and we shall send baskets of them to all

our friends and tell them that they are

from our garden from the blessings of

our ancestors truly Lawson you should be

careful about these things ah

nowproceed Lawson you toil day and night

in the garden it is because of you that

the garden is the most beautiful estate

in the entire country and yet they never

say one word of praise for you ha ah the

packing is done now I can go and see to

the blue lotuses Blue Lotus

yes and don't worry too much about it as

long as they let me do whatever I want

in the garden I am fine the next morning

Lord Maxwell received an urgent message

the king and princess wanted him to come

to the palace immediately for some

important business what is it dear the

king and the princess have called me to

the palace immediately on the business

of Alabama you will have to leave right

away I shall help you pack well

shouldn't I carry a gift for the

princess but we do have time to get

something for her

the princess is a connoisseur of rare

flowers call Lawson here so Larson was

asked to bring a rare flower from the

garden and he presented his Blue Lotus

to Lord Maxwell are you sure it is rare

oh yes your lordship it is found only in

the high mountains of India and Tibet

but I enough worsen the Millan's

melons yes the royal chef requested me

to send up some melons to the castle the

royal family had loved our melons last

year do you have proof oh here is the

note the royal chef sent me this morning

sir you should have had us taste them I

did ma'am but you said that they were

quite alright last summer the Royal

gardener's crop failed so he asked me

for some and he presented them to the

chef and to the royal family now don't

get all muddled you must leave now dear

my dear keep the melons in the carriage

Lord Maxwell presented the flower to the

princess and she was delighted

she had the flower put in a crystal bowl

right in the center of the conference

table but a jealous courtier remarked to

Lord Maxwell the flower you gave the

princess is quite common isn't it

you mustn't let Lawson fool you on this

world Maxwell there is a corner I know o

is much better than Orson you must

employ him instead

Lord Maxwell was very angry to hear what

the courtier had said he went back to

his Manor to take Larsson to task when

he reached the Manor Larsson was in the

garden talking to lady Maxwell Lawson  please

let me take these old dead trees down I

shall grow a patch of oats here and lots

of birds will then come into the garden

to eat and the garden will be full of

their happy chatter and will come alive

with their vibrant colors those trees

have been there forever Lawson from

before you came here you will not touch

them but Sir I thought

don't forget Lawson this garden belongs

to our family how dare you decide how to

run it I am sorry sir you will stay here

no longer the good courtier is sending

another gardener to us and your services

will no longer be required sir you gave

me a common flower to give the princess

calling it rare now I shall have to

write a letter to her to apologize but

don't make me repeat just go

so Larson had to leave the manor and the

beautiful garden he attended with such

love and care for so many years in the

meanwhile Lord Maxwell wrote a letter of

apology to the princess

your highness I deeply regret to inform

you that the Blue Lotus I had presented

to you on my recent visit to the palace

was not rare as I had been told it was I

apologize for the oversight and I hope

you will forgive me and understand that

I had no intention of deliberately

misrepresenting facts before you yours

sincerely Lord Maxwell dear lord Maxwell

I do know that the flower you presented

to me was indeed a rare one even if it

were common in Indian Tibet it is rare

in our part of the world and it is

really incredible that your gardener

Larsen managed to grow it in our climate

for that he must be applauded I have

heard so much about your state and

Larson's garden that I should really

like to visit as it is late this year

I propose to vist next summer if it does

not inconvenience you in any way yours

sincerely princess flora great

preparations were made for the visit of

the princess new seeds were procured new

flowers bought all of it with the new

gardener for the Maxwells never

considered it to be Larsen's garden it

was always theirs and theirs alone in

the meanwhile Larsen had found a    home  with Lord Cornwall

and was working his magic in Lord

Cornwallis garden a year past it was

summer again and the Maxwells awaited

the visit of the princess the princess

reached this small town stopped

treatment stopped a patch of oats that

the birds can feed on only Larson could

have thought of it this simply must be  the place

your highness I am quite sure that Lord

Mac's Rosa state is a little way ahead

and I am sure but this must be his state

this has to be the most beautiful garden

in the whole country it can only be the

handiwork of the good Larson yes is that

you yes I am princess flora princess I

am so sorry ma'am

I must wash up it just goes to show with

how much passion you do your worst

do you have my favorite melons yes I

shall bring them out right away in the

meanwhile the coachman had sent a

message to Lord Maxwell that the

princess had arrived they rushed to Lord

Cornwall's estate

princess flora your highness

our estate is a little up the hill but

Lawson is here then princess flora was

told of how Larson had been made to

leave after giving a common flower for

the princess princess flora heard she

was wise enough to realize that The

Selfish Maxwell's had never appreciated

Larson for his great talent and love of

gardening she decided to put that right

blossom you are a wonderfully talented

and passionate gardener and I give you a

garden and a mansion all of your own

where you can do all the gardening you

want in any way that you want and you

shall be paid from the royal treasury

let all who see your garden call it

lasses paradise and that is how it shall

be known all over the country

finally Larsen got the appreciation he  deserved

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