Special Dish Bedtime Stories ⭐ Story for Teenagers


Once upon a time in a kingdom there was

a pretty princess

but she had to sell fish at the market

everyone hardly believed when they heard   the story

no one could understand why a beautiful

princess like that

had to do such a thing that fish seller

over there is so pretty like a princess

i wonder why she has to do that job

another nodded and said

me too maybe she's planning 

something  evil

first we will talk about the princess's

background she

came from the manacore kingdom and she

was the sole daughter of the king

for that ellen was pampered a lot her

father would always give her everything

she wanted

living in luxury had made her become

arrogant and picky

she didn't feel at ease with anyone at  all

be quick does cleaning take you guys so

much time like that

one day she had a strange disease that

caused her to lose appetite

she didn't want to eat anything and even

threw away the food that was

meticulously prepared by the chefs

how can you serve me such boring food  like this

you all want to die right ellen got

weaker day by day

the king was very worried he ordered the

servants to find someone who could cure

his daughter

go and publicize that anyone who can

cure the princess will become her


yes hearing this information a lot of

people wanted to try their luck

they brought the best dishes that they

could make to serve the princess

however they all failed and even got

yelled at by the princess

get out of here you useless what is this  kind of

food among the contestants there was a

poor guy named michael

he had heard of the princess's beauty

and admired it for a long time

the king is finding a husband for the

princess and i have to do

something or i would never have another

chance to if i missed it

despite living in another far away

kingdom michael decided to come there

after hearing the news finally

after a few days of walking the young

man made it to the king's palace to join  the contest

michael presented himself to the king

and told him that he was the best

chef your majesty i'm chef michael of  darcia

i can cook dishes that no one could

criticize but this dish will take a lot

of time

really what is that dish and how much

time do you need to prepare

this is the best dish ever made your


that's all i can tell you to complete it

i will need about one to two days

but it is only delicious when it is the

only meal of the day for the princess

both the king and ellen were surprised

at michael's special dish

there aren't any dishes that i have

never tasted what a boaster

let me see how delicious your dish is

i'm really curious to know what it is

the king ordered guards to prepare all

the cooking utensils for michael

but he only asked for a pot and some  water

this made the king even more curious

michael began to prepare the dish he put

the secret ingredients into the pot

and started to cook

michael sat there from early morning

till late at night

the king and the princess were impatient

and thus they decided to come to the

stream to see what michael was cooking

ellen i don't know what that young man

was doing but it seems like he is very  confident

i'm really looking forward to see how

his dish can help my daughter

he is just a boaster like other people i  doubt that he could do

any special thing it was after one day

and one night that michael brought the

dish to serve the princess

having eaten nothing for the whole day  the princess was

indeed very hungry and she ate all the

food that michael cooked

what is this delicious food

it is just a fish that i caught in the

stream and steamed it

your majesty your highness i believed

that the princess was so familiar with

the high-class dishes

that she didn't have a chance to try

normal food thus i have decided to cook

this very normal dish for her

besides michael purposely cooked this

dish for a long time so that the

princess could enjoy the food better

when she was hungry

what a delicate young man maybe my

daughter could change her personality

when being with him

so michael won the contest and was

married to the princess

after that the princess followed him to  dossier kingdom

she was angry and always expressed her

annoyance to michael

he came up with another plan to make her

become a better person

helen had everything she wanted but she

never appreciated them

i have to help her realize this

arriving at michael's home ellen was

truly disappointed to know that she

would have to stay with him

in this low conditioned house for the  rest of her life

she never imagined that one day she

would be in this situation

my dear ellen i'm just a poor hunter i

don't have any valuable assets except  for this old house

from now on we will live together here

never why does a princess like me have

to stay in this ugly house

i don't have any solutions my dear ellen

this is all i have but if we work hard


we can have a better house or even a

palace like where you used to stay

ellen was really irritated but she had

to accept living here

i'm a really miserable princess why

could my father choose this poor hunter

to become my husband the route is too  long

i have no chances to return

since then michael would go hunting in

the forest and ellen would bring the

fish to sell at the market

however with her arrogant nature she

could hardly get on well with everyone  around

so she couldn't sell anything despite

going to the market

every day luckily michael had a talent  for hunting

he often came home with a lot of animals

so they could still make ends meet

things keep going on for a while next to

ellen stall was a vegetable stall which  belonged to maria

an adorable girl

seeing poor ellen couldn't sell fish

maria went to advise

her hi nice to meet you i'm maria

i am the one who sell vegetables in the

next all i see that you are having some

difficulties in selling fish

is there anything i can help you why do  i need advice

from a low-class dummy girl what is so

hard about this job

thanks but i think your advice is


however michael got sick he couldn't go

hunting for two weeks

the food inside the house decreased day  by day

what should i do now michael is sick the

food is running low and i don't have any  money left

ellen was really worried she started to

think again about herself

that's right i have to sell the fish by

all means

i have to earn money if not we will be  starving

after that day ellen changed she decided

to learn the way that maria was selling  her products

she went to maria's stall to ask for


hi maria nice to meet you i'm so sorry

for being rude with you before

can you share with me some experience on

selling please maria was completely

surprised to see ellen changing like


but she was happy and shared her tips  with ellen

hi ellen nice to meet you too things are  very simple

you just need to become nicer and kind  to your customers

then your work would be much easier

gradually she realized that she could

have handled her problems easily if she  hadn't been

so arrogant since then more customers

came to her stall

and she could earn more money for her  family

that night ellen happily returned to her  house

holding a bag full of money and showed  it to her husband

during dinner she talked to michael i  know it now michael

because i was too arrogant not

appreciating everything i had

so no one wanted to help me from now on

i will become a better person

and work hard with you to make our life  happier

michael was really touched upon hearing

those words from his wife

he smiled and told the truth to ellen

actually i'm the monarch of this kingdom

and all the things you have gone through

are in my plan to help you change

we had everything we wanted but we

should learn how to appreciate them

because there are people out there who

are much more miserable than us

after that both of them returned to

michael's palace

a luxurious wedding was held everyone

was there to wish them happiness

since then they lived happily together  forever after

with the lesson that ellen would 

never    forget

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