How to make your self happy


Happiness Blooms From Yourself

However happy we are in our lives overall, we all have our own kind of fluctuations, those ups and downs in how positive and happy we feel. It's completely unrealistic to expect your self to be bouncing around with a beaming smile 24 hours a day.

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes difficult, challenging and distressing events arise, that will lead to us feeling down, disillusioned and so on. Sometimes these kind of feelings come along completely unexpectedly anyway, regardless of current external events in our lives.

I'm not one to believe in a strict regime of emotional control, where you try to dampen, or worse, deny and suppress, any feelings you have that are anything other than unbridled joy. These feelings are all a part of the human experience, and without them we'd be, well, less human.

There are though, ways you can help yourself be happy more often.

It's all about familiarity, become close friends with happiness as it were.

Picture for a moment someone very close to you. Imagine their face as if they were right in front of you. This no doubt comes easily, because you're very familiar with how they look. Each time you have looked at them in the past, in some way their image has been captured and stored in your memory, meaning that even if you never saw them again, you'd vividly be able to recall their face in your mind.

Picture now, the person you sat next to on the train to work on Tuesday of last week. Or the person who served you at the supermarket last weekend. These images will be more difficult to recall, if you can recall them at all.

Again it's about familiarity. Or lack of, in this case.

So, if we become more familiar with how it feels to be happy, then it increases our likelihood of being happy again.

The key is to recognise and acknowledge what makes us happy. And this is often down to much smaller, simpler details than you might think.

A smile and a hug from a friend, curling up for an episode of your favourite sitcom, reading a book that you get totally immersed in, enjoying a delicious meal. The list is endless. These are all fairly simple situations where you feel happy.

When you're in the midst of them, ENJOY them as much as you can. Notice every detail, absorb each moment like a tissue absorbs water. Notice how you feel, what you're hearing and saying to yourself, what you're seeing.

The external conditions for being happy can vary a great deal, but how you feel and experience these joyful moments is consistent.

The more you notice your happiness, the more you appreciate it, the more abundant it will become. It's the difference we spoke of before. Embrace happiness and get to know it like a dear friend, rather than a stranger on a train you barely acknowledge. And you'll soon realise you do know how to make yourself happy after all.

5 Tips for Being Happier: Love Yourself As Much As You Love Others

Before you can be truly happy and achieve all of your dreams and goals that you want to achieve, you must start thinking about success and adopting success-oriented behaviors. Maybe you want to start a new romantic relationship, make more friends, find a new job, or take a trip around the world. Whatever you choose to do, here are some simple ways to shift your mind and energy into a more positive state so you can achieve your goals. 1. Keep your mind active and alert by learning new things Yes, an old dog can learn new tricks!Constantly learning new things keeps your mind sharp. You will always advance and have exciting new experiences. When you broaden your horizons and try new things, you also meet new people. One of these new people could be the perfect love partner you've been looking for. The door will open for you; You will be attracted to new opportunities and maybe even an exciting new job. 2. Love and treat yourself as you treat others Very often we treat others like royalty and completely ignore our own needs. We put everyone first. While it is good to be a good wife, friend, sister or mother, we need to remember that we are important too. If you ignore your own needs, you can feel deprived and neglected.You may feel like nobody cares about you and your self-esteem suffers. Worse, you might start to get angry with those you care about the most. Your loved ones may seem insensitive or selfish. But chances are they are totally unaware of how you really feel, or your needs are not being met. This means you have to do it yourself. So, as you care and serve others, remember to put a little "I" aside. Time. you need love too They need to have fun, feel cared for and important. Loving yourself and taking care of yourself makes you happier. It will boost your energy and mood. Do something good for yourself every day! Find time for a few minutes of silence, a bubble bath, treat yourself to a special meal, or indulge in dinner at your favorite restaurant; Buying flowers. Those who treat themselves well feel happier and more content. This energy will radiate out into the world and positively influence the attitudes of those around you. 3.Decide what is really important to you Everyday life can be very busy and hectic. When you're feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, stop for a moment and ask yourself, "What is really important to me?" » What activities enrich my life and make it better? What activities and behaviors exhaust and depress me?

Try to eliminate or minimize activities that drain your energy. Spend more time doing things that raise your energy vibrations and make you happy. Focus on the moment and go within to connect with what is important to you. Then focus your attention and intentions on those decisions. They will inspire you to take action. 4. Make time for the things you love. Make sure you make time for the things you love to do. These actions will make you feel happier, loved, and valued, and help you realize that "YOU"; Material. The joy you feel will lift your spirits and give you confidence. your 'lucky' The energy will draw to you the people and things you desire.You might finally meet that special new partner and receive the offer for the perfect job or employment opportunity. You may have the opportunity to have the dream vacation you've always dreamed of. A happier "you" will begin to manifest the connections, success, and abundance needed to live and live the life you absolutely love! Self improvement, self growth and self love are some of the most rewarding things you can do. 5. Live in gratitude and appreciation Be thankful and appreciate who you are, how you feel and what you have.Bless and appreciate your loved ones, your friends, your job or business, your health, your success and everything that brings joy and happiness into your life. Make a list of how abundance comes into your life. Recognize even the simplest manifestations of abundance: your home, your car, your pets; Your dirty means you have enough to eat! Bless your accounts... it means you have a house, money and the things you want in life.Bless the mess that is left after a party or family reunion... it means you have family and friends who love you. Joy and Gratitude carry the highest vibrational frequencies of all our emotions.As you live and radiate these beautiful energies into the world around you, you will attract the things you desire most and create the life you long for.

Happiness Thrives Within You Happiness thrives naturally in the hearts of those who are free within. It flows spontaneously and blossoms within you. In fact, it's a question of mentality. It comes by dreaming about it, thinking about it and experiencing it in all situations. If you choose not to be happy, no one can make you happy.And if you choose to be happy, no one can make you unhappy. It's an old saying, if you focus on the bad, you lose sight of the good. When we focus on the good, we get the good. The happiness you discover doesn't have to be gigantic or excessive. In general, it's not a state of constant happiness, smiles, energy, or cheerfulness.Joy can be as simple as being happy or being still. It's a good attitude in general and don't let antagonism rule your life or your feelings. When you're depressed or in trouble, it's hard to get lost in the fog or darkness, but if you want to have fun, you need to look for that bright spot. You cannot rely on external or other variables to keep you happy. Sure, your loved ones and other people in your life can satisfy you, but they can't be your only source of happiness.Relying on something you may lose to satisfy yourself is like choosing to lose that joy. Given that ultimately you are the only constant in your life, you should be able to create happiness from within. For every negative thing that consumes your joy, witness two positive things that support you. Be optimistic, you must choose to be joyful, and once you choose to enjoy and cultivate that contentment from within, that inner joy will begin to grow and sprout. Every time you let go of any expectation of being optimistic, it lifts your spirits. Never lose faith. Do you need to be happier? Start by looking within. It may seem undeniable, but too many people miss this advancement, trying to be content with following ever more sensible standards or adhering to ever more visible guidelines for perfection. An unexpected focus on yourself will bring you closer to realizing those great desires. The more you value yourself, especially when you go away, the more confidence you gain. In fact, the happiest people make an extra effort to take care of themselves and get something worthwhile for themselves every day. They set appropriate boundaries and are comfortable with denying things when they have to.

When you love yourself, you understand that denying something you would rather not do is a thoughtful step, and you don't carry pessimistic feelings about the person who asked you to do something you do wouldn't do. The more you build your trust, the more you can give to others. We all want to be happy. However, we often look for happiness in the wrong place or blame bad luck for our unhappiness, but by changing the way we think and act, we can all become happier, and it all starts within ourselves. Happiness is contagious!In fact, happy people make others happier and vice versa. When we spend time with happy people, we are also more likely to experience an increase in happiness.

15 Habits of Extremely Happy People

Happiness is everyone's goal in life. Even if most people have no idea what it takes to be happy and what happiness really is. We all strive to be connected to our purpose. 1. You are not self-centered This is a person who generally does not do everything for themselves.They are open-minded and let thoughts wander over their heads. They are happy to receive suggestions and criticism from others. You don't take the opinions of others personally. They build their character based on thoughtful choices and opinions. He positively accepts people's warnings and also appreciates the way of life of others. 2. They are grateful and content Being content and showing appreciation is a quality most people lack. They take many things for granted, unaware that they are depriving themselves of the little pleasures in the world. Being able to appreciate someone for the way they dress, do their hair, put on a new pair of shoes, see them laugh and smile, and contribute to a great day is an even better way of " to be happy". 3.Spending time alone and meditating This is an essential element in being happy and getting to know each other better. Spending time alone helps test your character, find out what makes you happy or sad, set life goals, and more. During meditation, a person learns what to focus on in life, what makes it better, and how to improve. Taking time for yourself can also calm a person down and help them face their fears.

4. Do Things That Make You Really Happy Being happy is a full-time job, so each of us needs to find what makes us truly happy and avoid hypocrisy. Doing what makes you truly happy will help someone stop the hateful and toxic feelings caused by forced happiness and pretending to be happy for the sake of others. Most people have delusions about happiness and don't seek to find true happiness or what activities make them truly happy. They end up feeling unsatisfied and sad.Finding genuine activities that make you happy is a big step towards being extremely happy. 5. Positive Attitude towards Life Life brings many challenges and the sad thing is that life's challenges are inevitable. People need to find better ways to deal with it. People with a positive attitude find it easier to overcome obstacles.They see problems as challenges that they must face in order to get through the phase and understand things better. Those who are afraid of challenges will always feel lost and sad because they never know their way. 6. Make Peace With Yourself, Friends, Colleagues, and Family You should try to be reconciled with those close to you as much as possible. This includes friends, family, co-workers and even your partner.These people play an important role, what they do can be directly influenced. 7. Enjoy every moment Most people take time with others for granted; Playing games, going out for coffee or relaxing at home or even spending time with family. They can't maximize the fun they would have had back then. It is also a way to hide people's regrets and unsatisfied moments.Hence the bad days and difficult moments.

8. Respect yourself and don't settle for mediocrity People who know what they want in life are unhappy. They know their destiny, set goals and pursue them. Despite the challenges on the road to success, these people don't give up.They are established and don't settle for mediocre results that don't satisfy them. They know their worth and strive to achieve their goals.

9. Stay healthy Health contributes significantly to happiness. This is related to good eating habits. Eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water and pay attention to food hygiene. This is how you avoid illness and stay healthy.Exercise also helps keep fit and avoid diseases caused by poor diet, and helps you relax and feel relaxed. Maintain cleanliness by bathing, applying makeup, using perfume. It helps build a person's confidence and make them feel good about themselves. 10. Reward and Feel Good Everyone loves gifts and appreciation.Most people forget that you can gift, appreciate and feel good about yourself. We all have our own shameful struggles or bad habits that we are not proud of. If you break a bad habit and no one notices, treat yourself and buy a new belt. People may not realize how bad the situation was or how much you struggled with it. There's nothing wrong with rewarding and congratulating yourself.This will help you see yourself as a successful person and will also boost your self-confidence. 11. Surround yourself with people and things that bring positive emotions into your life The people and things you surround yourself with say a lot about you. They greatly contribute to a person's character and thinking. If you surround yourself with people who are always positive about life and who encourage each other to be better versions of themselves, chances are you are that person.This character building technique is important in our lives. You have to be careful who you associate with because they have a huge impact on you. 12. Treat people with kindness, respect and be happy for them Happiness can be created by seeing others happy. It's also a way to live life to the fullest.Help people when you can, reach out to them when they need your help. Visiting patients in hospitals, helping in orphanages, feeding the homeless. You feel fulfilled when you can make someone smile and be happy. Share to a friend who gave a presentation. Here are some of the ways that being kind and helping others can make you happy with these simple gestures.

13. Don't compare yourself to others Comparing yourself, your personal accomplishments and achievements to other people is not a healthy way to be happy. Most people forget that everyone is completely different and we all have different struggles in life. Comparing yourself to others is an injustice to yourself and you end up demeaning yourself and leading a sad and meaningless life. You should try to improve with what you have.Don't assume that someone else's success doesn't make them any better than you. Focus on improving what makes you happy and content. Create your own path to achieve your goals and dreams. 14. Having Life-Better Purposes Most people are content with what is offered to them, even though deep down they know it is not what they want or deserve.This causes them to feel less of a person or not fully recognized by people. Make sure you set goals that will help you become a better person. Not mentally, financially or physically. Try to bring out the best in yourself and don't despair when faced with challenges. Make the best of your worst experiences. 15. Allowing ourselves to be human We focus so much on others and think of them rather than ourselves. We forget that we hurt, feel, cry and make mistakes too. Many people become so focused on their mistakes and failures that they forget that they too fail, fail and make mistakes, which is normal. You have to accept that mistakes are inevitable and there is always something to learn from them.Forgive yourself as often as possible, accept your mistakes, and apologize when necessary or when you know you did something wrong. Remember that you are human like everyone else and how wrong and guilty you can be.

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